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Technical Support

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Posts posted by Technical Support

  1. Good day to you, Angel Miguel!

    We have recieved your request on our mail and we have sent you our response on the 2nd of October. Is very pity that you did not receive our response. Please, check you mail, we have duplicated our mail and sent it to you again. And as Belle Irlan told you - that's right... It doesn't matter VIP you or not. We support every our player.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!


    Good day to you, Dale Dole (Ikefister)!

    We have tried to contact with you, using email, but you have entered the wrong email address.

    When you pay for getting in Top Ranking, you need to understand that there may be other players who have paid too and their payments could be much higher at the last moment before 00:00 of that day. That means you could lost your top place, because some other player have taken it. Here you can find who have taken you place yesterday: http://prntscr.com/cmfm72.

    For better support, create ticket via support tab inside of the game, so we could create special ticket number for your request.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

  3. Good day to you, Todd Michael Richards!

    We have given you ours reply already. Check your mail. But we duplicate it in here too.

    You were need to recieve 10 Challenge Cards (3 Stars) and Purple Mechanoid. That are the all prizes for the 2nd day of the server merge bonus!

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

    P.S: Thank you Belle Irlan for extra support =)

  4. 13 hours ago, S6.Angelfire said:

    Wow, so you think I just like posting for fun? - fine I will just not bother report any more bugs... 


    Can get a bigger one tomorrow - if i remember.  Kinda pointless though since they think they are perfect... 

    Good day to you, S6.Angelfire!

    No, we don't think that you are posting for fun. Understand us correctly, we need much more information, besides "Stage Progress does not increase  There are only 15 rounds in this not 30..." and a screenshot that can't tell us correctly what your problem is in. So, we can't understand in where you have made screenshot, what have you done to face with this problem and etc.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

  5. Good day to you, S6.Angelfire!

    It is not waste of your investment. You need to learn firstly what you will buy and only then you need to buy that item. You can collect all the 8 cool pixies, 6 of them you can use on your character and your character will be much more stronger and powerful. So, we don't see it as useless investment.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

  6. Good day to you, S6.Angelfire!

    As you can see, here are the all 8 pixies: http://prntscr.com/ckz8cd. And here are they are all equipped: http://prntscr.com/ckz97s. Other two can not be equipped, because they are MATK pixies and you can't equip them on PATK character. No problems were found with these pixies.

    Also, we have understood what the problem was in... You need to look for the sequence: http://prntscr.com/ckzluf. You can not equip pixie of PATK, for example, if you have pixie with PATK,PDEF (Red Spirit of Courage). You can equip easily PDEF pixie if you have installed PATK,PDEF pixie.

    Crit Res, for example is the same as Anticrit. So, if you will remove Red Spirit of Shield (Crit Res,Block Res), you can easily install usual purple pixie with Anticrit. And so on...

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

  7. Good day to you, S6.Angelfire!

    Please, paste in here your Role ID (you can do it by presing right button on your mouse and choosing Copy Role ID). Also, we need to say that it sounds very strange and it can't be possible that your PATK pixie is the same as PDEF pixie. Let us show you example: http://prntscr.com/ckin4w. As you can see, all 8 slots are busy with 8 different pixies. On the main character they can be such as: PATK, PDEF, MDEF, HP, Block, Antiblock, Crit, Anticrit. You can't place in slots of one character same pixies. For example, if you have 1 purple PATK pixie of 4th level and 1 blue PATK pixie of 8th level, so you can't use them both on one character. In this case you need to disassemble blue PATK pixie of 8th level and upgrade/level up your purple PATK pixie.

    If you want to get more information from us, so add in here your RoleID and also attach as many screenshots as possible, so we can understand where your problem is.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

  8. We have sent you our response already! It is very important to know our game terms! You should and must be polite with other players. We just recieved a complaint from the other player, so we notificated you about that.



    Good day to you, Benny!

    You have recieved this e-mail because we have recieved a complaint from the player about your not so quiet good behaviour. We just asked you to be more polite to other players. That's all this mail was about.

    Thank you for understanding. Have a nice day!

    Best Regards, 
    Support Creagames




    And before that we have sent you this mail:




    Good day to you, Benny!

    We have received a complaint from the player about the fact that your behavior was not entirely correct. Please, remember that Guns and Magic is more than just an exciting online Game. It’s a community of people who share the same interests. We encourage mutual respect and politeness and strongly discourage offensive behavior and/or violating other Users’ rights.

    Thank you for your attention. Please, be polite to other players, so the game process could be interesting for everyone. Have a nice day!
    Best Regards, 
    Support Creagames


  9. Good day to you, Belle Irlan!

    We just had some talk with our testers team and they adviced every player simply to clean cache, so version of the game could be updated =) Version of the game can be updated by its own, but it will take lots of time, so easier to clean cache by yourselves and log into the game back again.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

    1 person likes this

  10. Good day to you, Belle Irlan!

    We have checked just now this event "Call to Battle" and it works as it should. So, now you can login on server, where you play and take part in this event or killing the Governor.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day.

  11. Good day to you, Belle Irlan!

    We have checked just now this event "Call to Battle" and it works as it should. So, now you can login on server, where you play and take part in this event or killing the Governor.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day.

  12. Our response was already sent to you.

    Good day to you, Kel!

    Your ticket is #GP#### (hidden).

    Don't worry. This event starts every sunday and works 3 days after it. So this event starts on sunday, then it is still available on monday and on tuesday. On wednesday you will not see it, but it will be back on the next week.

    Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

    1 person likes this